Special Events



    WHEN? SEPTEMBER 27-29, 2024



    • To be refreshed and energized by God’s teaching without the distractions of daily life/routine. MC
    • I have been participating in our Women’s Retreat for about 25 years. I enjoy getting to know the women from our church in a deeper way and I always sense the Lord speaking to me through the guest speaker. The time away from regular responsibilities is a definite bonus and a time of refreshment also.  
    • For me, the retreat has been a time to make new and spend time with longtime friends. It is also a great time of learning and meditation in God’s Word. As a mom, that extra time to devote to immersing myself in God’s Word and in relationships is priceless! 
    • It’s a weekend filled with laughter, love, spiritual growth, and renewal. There’s fellowship, worship and prayer. There is so much to learn from the speaker’s who come.  They are faith filled women who share their encouraging story of how God is working in their lives. 
    • It’s enjoyable and encouraging to worship, learn and spend time alongside women who love Jesus, want to get to know Him more, or meet Him for the first time. It’s also a really pretty area during the Fall. I like the flexibility in the schedule on Saturday if we want to explore or rest. 
    • Apart from the delicious food they serve us and the fun and laughter we have especially on Saturday afternoon; I feel that it is a safe place for me to share and to receive the blessings that God keeps on pouring into our lives as women. It is a nice time to unwind and hear what the Lord is trying to teach us while there.  Last but not least, every single time I have been to the retreat, God has spoken to me through the amazing speakers that we’ve had. 
    • Going to the Women’s Retreat is a way to meet someone new, enjoy fellowship, and fun with one another, enter into times of worship and prayer, hear from wonderful speakers and grow closer to God. 
    • I would go to the retreat because you meet people and you have lots of fun. I enjoyed myself when I went. 
    • I would encourage any woman, of any age to come out and be a part of the woman's retreat! It's a beautiful invitation from Jesus to set aside time in our busy every day lives and come away with him. His heart is for us and knows what we need and it's a great time to rest, be encouraged and have our buckets filled. It's a time to laugh, maybe shed a tear or two, and just make memories with our sisters in Christ! 

    Please sign up in person in the FOYER on Sunday, or by email at women@bachurch.com.

    The cost for the weekend is $190.

    Payment can be made by:

    1. etransfer to: paybac@church.com (Please put "Women's Retreat" in the memo)
    2. By cash or cheque (to Bramalea Alliance Church - in the memo line please put "Women's Retreat") 

    Please contact women@bachurch.com for more information.