The Service
Our worship services take place in the Auditorium on the upper level. If you would like a paper bulletin - which provides an overview of the service, upcoming events and family news, you can pick it up on the table just outside the Auditorium doors. The bulletin can also be emailed to you in advance as an e-bulletin - ask to be added to our mailing list. As you enter, you will be greeted by an usher who will direct you to your seat.
The 60-75 minute service consists of announcements, a time of musical worship, prayer and a 25-30 minute message.
As a multi-generational church, we have a blended worship style that includes contemporary worship songs as well as hymns. During worship, you are welcome to participate as you feel comfortable – stand, sit, sing along or just listen.
Our messages are based on biblical truth with a relevant application for today’s world. Our Lead Pastor is the primary speaker, but our other pastoral staff do also preach, and occasionally we have guest speakers as well.
Once a month we serve the elements of Communion (bread & juice - a gluten free option is provided) and you are under no obligation to participate.
Our church family has a practice of giving charitable donations, and an offering tray is passed during a time of reflection and worship during the service. If you are attending for the first time, or just checking out BAC, please know that there is no obligation to give – we are just happy you are here!